
I am going to read this later while I am pooping.

someone is very excited about his new video game.


your boyfriend's collection is awesome.

his videotape playcorders are off the hook.


i found your new boyfriend. you are welcome.

"I'm dropping pallets all day long ... I am kind of like an electric cowboy." what is not to love?!?! (via videogum)


he's smoothing out his rapping.

such a waste of time to f*ck with genius.
totes copped this from mullsna's FB page.


Double Rainbow All the Way!

pure, unadulterated joy. a little sexual at points, but disarmingly charming how psyched this dude is.

Its too much.

And then you can listen to this.


oh, good lord.

sweet jesus, this is a real thing.

Happy 5th!

a bit late on this, hope your weekend was safe from weirdos.


happy moms' day, moms! (esp you, ms. schwartz)

truly lovely little short from storycorps.


what the f*ck am I supposed to reply to lol?

i love lists, here is a tremendous one consisting of what I can only assume are only some of things that this guy hates. just FYI. (tdw)


um, yes. yes it did.

i didn't even know wii curling was a thing.


meet your new favorite song/band/everything.

you can pretend you don't love it, but no one believes it.


Abbie Hoffman Left the World a Better Place

"You convince them that you're crazy enough to do anything, and then they won't touch you."

collection of clips, my favorite being "set your Yippie decoding ring to D-7-2!"

Abbie getting baked, making gefilte fish, telling a story about Dr. Spock.

In case you don't know, I love Abbie Hoffman, I am rereading Revolution for the Hell of It and thanks to the power of youtube, I was able to dig up these clips. I needed a place to put them, and this is my blog so, here they are. enjoy.

ps: hoffman was a potty mouth, so may be NSFW depending